Saturday, February 12, 2011

How to relate with those of the opposite sexes if you are not single?

Simply just don't make an issue out of it. They are not like the fruits of the forbidden tree in Eden. There is nothing wrong in associating with those of the opposite sexes. And there is also nothing wrong in getting attracted to them. We are simply designed that way; to impress and attract each other in term of our sexes. Just don't get swayed by your feelings and emotions. Of course, we must listen to our hearts but let us be sensible enough to make the right judgement with your mind. And mind you, love is not everywhere. Attraction may stems from different reasons; physical, personality, looks,wealth, charisma and so on but marriage is of the heart, mind and body.
All of us need friends irrespective of the sexes. After all our partners are simply not a complete package. Simply don't keep special secret friends. I know of a married lady who has a male best friend. She would simply praise his resourcefulness. Now one fine evening the husband and wife had a heated argument. When I went there the husband said to me, "What is my fault if most of my colleagues happen to be females... we call each other on work related issues or enquire of each others well being because bonding take place and they become more of an extended family..." I can very much empathise with his logic so I went to his wife to make her see sense. Indirectly I told her that he might have some resourceful friends like she has. "Don't question my friendship. I know better!" She simply hit me back.
Most of us are simply like that. Unreasonably very uncompromising! Its simply What I do is right and what you do is wrong. Sounds very complicated, right? But it simply is not so though it is something very selfish.
Most of us simply don't find anything wrong with ourselves in relating with those of the opposite sexes but expects otherwise from our partners. This is simply wrong and we must respect the individuality of each other and give enough space to our partners to be themselves. And if you cannot tolerate your partner associating with those of the opposite sexes then simply don't do it yourself. But that is not possible for we are not marooned in an island. Just take it easy! The simple magical solution to this is to let your partner feel special in front of them. This is also a confidence and trust building measure between a husband and a wife. Suspicion and jealousy are inborn but care and affection can manage them. Just don't be otherwise. Be as you are with them in the presence of your partner as when you are alone with them. If not something is not right in your motive after all. Just don't compromise in this if you plan to walk the miles with your partner. You need friends but your relationship with your partner is more important. Nurture it well.

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