Friday, February 11, 2011

One Facet of A Relationship

Busy as we are, it's only those with whom we share common interest, likes and dislikes, professional needs or for that matter bridging our emotional vacuum that comes within the purview or radar of us staying actively connected. Relating to others get based on the motive and purposes, depending upon what we seek for. Of course it is a different story when you are relating with different people based on the merit of each.
Initially when you have joined a college, workplace, club or has moved to a new location, just about anybody is on your radar. But as time passes by when intimate relating begins, the number goes down. Bonding takes place as new relationships begin to be forged. The degree of intimacy and the nature of relationship starts dictating your interaction with those around you. Life begins to roll in a new perspective and yet with the passage of time your intimacy with those around you is trimmed. Some relationships gets cemented into a strong bonding, some fades out and new faces get added into the list.
This relationship cycle continues. And in a fast paced competitive world we have only time for the like minded and those that help serve our interest. The rest unconsciously fades away though not entirely cut off. They are still there yet circumstances and the challenges of life defines it thus. Life must go on.

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